The "Wall Street" of Bucharest

Avem un nou cadru din Bucurestiul interbelic. Este vorba despre o fotografie realizata pe strada Smardan de catre Underwood & Underwood, una dintre cele mai vechi companii americane producatoare de vederi stereografice, de altfel companie pionier pe segmentul agentiilor de imagini de presa. Fotografia este dublu datata 15 martie 1929 si 3 aprilie 1938 asa ca imi este imposbil sa stiu varianta exacta cu toate ca inclin spre prima dintre ele.

We have a new image of Interwar Bucharest. It is a photo taken on Smardan Street by Underwood & Underwood, one of the oldest American companies manufacturing stereographic postcards, in fact a pioneer company on the press photo market. The photograph is dated both 15 March 1929 and 3 April 1938 so it is impossible for me to know which is the accurate date although I tend to believe it is the first.


Fotografia este insotita de urmatorul text:

The photograph is accompanied by the following text:

“New views if the picturesque capital of Rumania – Bucharest,  Rumania. – Photo shows: The “Wall Street” of Bucharest. Here are the important banking houses of Rumania”.

Ceea ce vedem este intr-adevar centrul bancar al Romaniei. Alaturi de Banca Nationala (este vorba de sediul vechi cu intrare pe Lipscani, aici se vede doar gardul in extrema stanga) se mai afla cladirea Bursei (in fundal) precum si alte diverse banci private.

This is indeed the banking centre of Romania. Near the Central Bank (the former offices with the entrance on Lipscani Street, here only the fence can be seen on the extreme left) there are still the Stock Exchange building (in the background) and various private banks as well.

Interesant este ca ultima cladire din stanga, amplasata intre Banca Nationala (sediul vechi) si cladirea Bursei (Str. Doamnei) este acum disparuta, fiind inlocuita de aripa noua a Bancii Nationale, cladire in care a functionat Teatrul Modern, cumparata si demolata de Banca Nationala pentru extindere.

It is interesting that the last building on the left, between the Central Bank (former offices) and the Stock Exchange building (Doamnei Street) is now gone as it was replaced by the new wing of the Central Bank, where the Modern Theatre was hosted. The building was bought and demolished by the Central Bank for extension.

Altfel, vedem inca o data animatia obisnuita a Bucurestiului interbelic. Masini, tramvaie, carute, trasuri si pietoni intr-o comuniune aproape amuzanta. Iar daca va intrebati ce este cu acel chenar desenat pe fotografie alaturi de indicatiile scrise cu stiloul in partea de sus, este vorba de un ghid de recadrare in vederea tiparirii. Se intalnesc destul de des astfel de marcaje pe fotografiile agentiilor de presa.

On a different note, we can notice again the usual hustle and bustle of Interwar Bucharest. Cars, trams, wagons, carriages and pedestrians in an almost amusing communion. And if you wonder what is that frame drawn on the photograph next to the pen-written indications in the upper part, it is a reframing guide for printing. It is quite often that you see such markings on photographs of press agencies.


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Știri Atheneum: